Monday, July 21, 2008

A Class Full of Boys

It looks like my class could be almost 80% boys this fall. I’ve had this ratio twice before and each time it took me several months to get the class to where I felt the children were ready to learn academics. I’ve been reading and rereading a chapter, about guiding boys in the classroom and I think the suggestions will help me get off to a better start. The chapter is from the book The Power of Guidance by Dan Gartrell.
I plan to work on ways to incorporate more large movement opportunities , more outdoor learning times, more sensory experiences, more opportunities for appropriate experimentation into the day, and to create a larger block building area. I might even try to find a way to create a second building area, since I know several of the returning boys like to work quietly on their constructions.
I think the harder part will be to remember to try to think differently about the way I help children with loud, aggressive behaviors. I want to try to remember that children who appear angry may really be feeling sad or even fearful. Children, but especially boys, may have learned that it is ok to show anger, but not fear or sadness. Since the boys may have had male role models who handle strong emotions with aggressive behaviors, I need to find some picture books which show boys finding other ways to handle problems. I always work hard to make sure the children understand my expectations and what appropriate behavior looks like, but this will be even more important this year. I also want start out making sure that children recognize the emotion of anger. I want to teach them to let a teacher know when someone is angry, so we can help them handle their own or another’s anger. And finally, I’ve got to remember that even the toughest of the tough guys need to be nurtured, cuddled and given lots of positives.

The chapter has many more suggestions, which I’ll probably need to reread come the middle of September :) For now, I hope that "writing it down" will help make this info become a part of me because that’s what I’ll need, in order to use it during the heat of the conflict!.

I’d love to hear other ideas on the best way to start out with a class full of boys.

1 comment:

Cindy E. said...

The rice table is great! Dirt really keeps there attention. They love the worms and seeing what they do. I also have added trucks, bulldozers, and shovels. Many roads and tunnels have been made. Let them experiment with water also and see what happens!
Science experiments usually go well with boys. The more input the greater.
Good luck!

Cindy E.