Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ballerino Nate

Ballerino Nate is by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley with pictures by R. W. Alley. Nate loves ballet, but his brother discourages him. He tells Nate that only girls can be ballerinas. He says that if Nate takes ballet class, he will have to wear pink shoes and a dress. Still Nate is very determined and he goes to ballet class. It is full of girls, but no one makes him wear pink shoes and a dress. Later his mom takes him to a real ballet and Nate gets to see men dancing in the show.

Even children as young as three and four are starting to figure out what it means to be a boy or a girl. Books like this will help them avoid stereotypes that could hamper their willingness to try new activities or that might cause them to make fun of children that they see as different.

After reading this book, it would be fun for all the children to try out some ballet or other dance moves. If there is a dance school in your area, see if a man would come in and show the children some easy dance steps.

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