Sunday, June 29, 2008

Some Opening Thoughts

  • To help our children succeed in life and academic learning, we should teach them social and emotional skills with the same intensity that we teach reading and math. -- Tricia S. Jones.
  • "Just as books require white space, so do children. That is, they need room to grow." --Arnold, Johann Christoph. Endangered: Your Child in a Hostile World, 2000.
  • Social and emotional abilities were FOUR times more important than IQ in determining professional success and presitge. --Tricia S. Jones.
  • "These are our children, and we must teach them in ways that will give them a realistic chance of successfully managing the challenges of learning, growing, and developing." -- Promoting Social and Emotional Learning, 1997.

Please voice your comments, questions, and thoughts.

1 comment:

Kay said...

Great way to set the tone for this blog! With all the pressure for teachers and children to focus on academics, it is sometimes easy to forget that social emotional skills really are the key to success in life.