Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Neighbors

What an exciting time it is when children learn to read. I remember going to the library almost every other day to get new books for them. Now there are two new books and on a topic very important to young children- new neighbors! Who lives in that house next door ? It is oh so interesting, especially if you were good friends with the neighbor who moved out.
Katy Duck Makes a Friend by Alyssa Satin Capecilli and Henry Cole, and Amelia Bedelia Makes a Friend by Herman Parish and Lynne Avril are both on that same topic, but the ending of the Amelia Bedelia has a special twist. The new new neighbor is a grandmother whose twin grandchildren come to visit now and then, but even when they aren't visiting, Amelia finds out she can do fun things with the grandmother.
Both books are early reader books, but they can still be used for pre-readers. The short text is easier for some children who are not yet ready for the more complex text in longer picture books. They will build print knowledge while delivering positive messages. I sometimes like to use a shorter book, if I want to introduce a topic, but don't want to have the children sitting for a long time. Katy Duck Makes a Friend would be a good intro to a discussion on things you can do with a friend when you both want to do different things.

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