Sunday, October 10, 2010

I love reading new children's books! You can find a book on just about any topic. Bernice recently shared a few that would be appropriate for parents to read to their children. You might want to recommend the first book to anyone expecting a child. "There's Going To Be a Baby" by John Burningham and Helen Oxenbury would help children understand what it means when they are told a new baby is on the way. The book takes the older child's perspective and answers some of the many questions that come up. I especially like that as the mom talks about what the baby might do in the future, the child imagines how a baby might look as a doctor or an artist. The real value is the the way the book addresses the feelings a child might have, but ends on a positive note. Reading and rereading the book will help children with the long wait and help them look forward to being a big brother or sister.

"Growing Strong" by Christina Goodlings and Masumi Furukawa is a book to help children learn about taking care of themselves. The book is divided into short sections which discuss everything from being healthy and fit to accepting ones self. Hearing these messages at a young age help children develop good health habits which will start them off right for a healthy lifestyle. It is never too soon to teach your child how to take care of him or herself and don't forget children will learn best by watching what adults do.

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