Sunday, March 14, 2010

Momma Loves Her Little Son

John Carter Cash created this story based on words his mother sang to him as a child. Mary Burckhardt illustrated this beautiful book about a mother's love for her son. The more I learn the better I understand that one of the powerful elements of reading a book is the relationship building aspect. This book is perfect for building that relationship. Children who hear this book read will certainly associate a positive feeling with reading and books.

This is a great story to read anytime of the day, but especially at bedtime. During or after the story imagine all the things you and your child could do together or ways to express your love for each other. You may even make your own book to illustrate your love.

While a little wordy for a newborn, this book could be a great gift for someone with a new baby. How wonderful to grow up hearing the message of this book repeated over and over as a child grows.

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