Saturday, October 17, 2009

Take Good Care of Your Teeth

Part of social-emotional growth is having a good self concept. Part of that positive image comes from taking care of yourself. While this is easy for some children, others tend to have little interest in brushing teeth and combing hair. While browsing the library shelves, I noticed a book about tooth care that was very different from what you ordinarily find. In this book, children learn facts about taking care of their teeth from various animals. For example, a shark reminds kids to take time brushing. On the same page we learn about how many teeth a shark has in a lifetime. Snail reminds children about healthy eating and I learned that snails have teeth, a lot of them. While not the book for every child, it just might appeal to those children who like animals, facts and informational books.

I also like that the book has local roots, at least for folks in central Pennsylvania. The author, Floyd Stokes and illustrator, Mikell Worley live in the area. Many of the children may have seen Mr. Stokes, sometimes known as SuperReader, preform at a local library or school.

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