Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kisses and Hugs

This is the time of year, many of us like to read some books about love. Bernice sent a delightful book called Mama's Kisses, by Jane Yolen and illustrated by Daniel Baxter, which would be appropriate not only now, but anytime of the year. If you have ever thrown a kiss to someone, you will most likely enjoy this story. More importantly, so will the receiver of kisses. And, if you have been the thrower of many kisses you have probably been told at least once that the kiss missed. This book solves the mystery of what happens to the missed kisses. Read this book, not for the educational value, but for relationship building. If you want to do a follow up activity, you can have the children draw a picture of where they think those missing kisses go.

Another love story which I often pull out at this time of year is Eve Bunting's The Valentine Bears. The story is best read in small groups or individually since the pencil drawn pictures are full of detail, but little color. I like the story because Mr. and Mrs. Bear demonstrate what a loving, caring relationship looks like.

There are so many good books available about love, I'm sure you have your favorites, still if you want to try out a different one, check out the ones below.

The simple almost wordless book, Hug by Jez Alborough will appeal to the youngest children, but also entice older preschoolers.

The Giant Hug by Sandra Horning and Valeri Gorbachev is the story of a hug which is passed from person to person.

Loving by
by Ann Morris and Ken Heyman, shows the way parents around the world express their love for their children.

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